A huge thank you to Donna for setting up a blog for us to chat about our horse-related adventures-- hopefully including both kinds-- lesson adventures, AND our adventures out on the trails.
As I sit and write this first entry, I'm watching the rain fall just outside my window. Since I'm not really one to ride in adverse weather anymore, it won't be a riding day unless the clouds break and the sun comes out... If it does, I'll be attempting to ride Zsa Zsa in the round pen-- it would be my 4th ride on her (her 11th ride overall, I believe). Ah, the joys of a young horse-- not sure if the steering or brakes will work (or the accelerator, for that matter). Although, I have to say that those things aren't really what gives me the butterflies-- it's the thought that the whole "system" might go haywire at any moment that is the kicker (literally?). Anyway, from the previous 3 rides, I already know that I like the feel that she gives under saddle-- she seems to be steady, thoughtful, and attentive, if not a little sassy. But, after all of the worrying that she would not be a good ride for me, she seems to be doing really well. I actually look forward to riding her-- even though it's a lot of work!
Of course if I can't ride today, there is still plenty to do... standing in the crossties is still a major to-do, as is picking her feet, putting the bridle on, and all kinds of other "grown-up" horse stuff that I always forget that our well-behaved horses learned somewhere along the way. Sheesh... horsey kindergarten is quite a long way from where we need to be. Hopefully the road to that place is a 4-lane highway with no traffic!
So, as I get ready for Thanksgiving this year, I have to think how thankful I am-- for the chance to start a wonderful new horse, for the well-trained and sweet horse that I have that is always ready for an adventure, for the friends and horses that live and/or visit the barn, for the love of dressage and teaching that I get to share every day.
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